sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2019


Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 4 Suceava
Programul Erasmus+, Acțiunea Cheie 2 (AC2),
Parteneriate strategice doar între școli
Număr de referință: 2019-1-TR01-KA229-074560_6

Coordonator: Turcia
Parteneri: Spania, Italia, România, Portugalia, Lituania
Durata: 2019-2021
Manager de proiect: Prof. Mirela Mazilu

Activity Type
Starting Period

Other Project Events
Project Management Activity
The approval of the project will be announced on the official websites of all partner schools. General information meeting will be held for the students and parents about the project by the teachers in the project management team. This meeting will provide information on the timetable and LTT activities.
Awareness preliminary questionnaire prepared with the partners will be applied to the participants and their knowledge levels will be measured. At the end of the project, the final questionnaire will be compared with the preliminary questionnaire and the progress of the participants will be determined and recorded. These results will be used as data during dissemination activities.
Other Project Events
Project Management Activity
In line with the objectives and selection criteria of the project, teachers and students will be selected and working commissions will be determined. Budget, social media, domestic liaison, European Union, e-Twinning and project implementation and follow-up commissions will be determined by all partners and published on the project website. YouTube channel by the commission in charge of social media and the web portal page will be opened by the coordinator country Turkey and all activities will be held during the project will be published here.
Other Project Events
Project Activity
All partners will prepare a map of Europe for the entrance of their schools, using the flags of the partner countries to paint the parts of the partner countries. Identifying symbols of the partner countries will also be displayed on the map. Erasmus + board will be prepared in schools. These panels will provide information about the partner schools and the activities of the project will be announced on these panels. The prepared boards will be updated regularly and the picture information of all activities will be displayed on the boards. From the very beginning of the project, all partners will announce the acceptance news of the project through their social media accounts and the media channels of the project.
Other Project Events
In the first LTT activities will be held in Turkey to teach and play with the other participants, each partner will prepare a traditional game of their own country. Prior to the LTT activity, participants will be provided with detailed information about the country's culture, lifestyle, climate, transportation times, and will be prepared in advance for the conditions and “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire will be applied.
Short-term exchanges
of groups of pupils
Technology addiction of the positive and negative effects on young people and sharing information about traditional games and toys contribution to the development of the individual, under the best practices and the distribution of tasks LTTA will be held in Turkey.
Other Project Events
Project activity
The activities of the students during the project will be introduced to the other students, teachers and parents. The “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire is repeated to the participants to determine the amount of LTT activity and measures will be taken in order to prevent the failures in the other LTT activities. Determination of the retirement homes to be visited and invited to the schools to be included in the project and completion of the necessary procedure.
Other Project Events
Project Implementation Activity
Infrastructure works of skill and design workshops to be opened in schools. Learning traditional games from retirement home residents and large families of students and making toys to be used for these LTT activities in Spain. Each partner country will prepare the sample lecture during the activity.

Other Project Events
Project participating implementation activity
The games of the other countries learned during the LTT activities in Turkey, will be played by teaching students to other schools in the mobility.
Teachers will be encouraged to use games and toys as lesson materials and case studies learned in LTT activity will be shared. Prior to the LTT activity, participants will be provided with detailed information about the country's culture, lifestyle, climate, transportation times, and will be prepared in advance for the conditions and “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire will be applied.
Short-term exchanges
of groups of pupils
In Spain, LTTA will be held within the scope of increasing the level of knowledge and culture by learning the traditional games of different countries.
Other Project Events
Project management activity
The activities of the students during the project will be introduced to the other students, teachers and parents. The “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire was repeated to the participants to determine the amount of LTT activity, and measures will be taken to prevent the problems from recurring in the other LTT activities. The project will be regularly uploaded to You Tube channel and web portal in the first academic year. Interim report will be prepared and presented.
Other Project Events
Project implementation activity
Erasmus + boards and corners in schools will be rearranged. The activities and activities carried out in the project and the activities carried out in the LTTA’s will be presented to the students, teachers and parents to be motivated again. Within the scope of adaptation to the school, the new students will be taught games by other students participating in the activities and will be able to recognize the project.
Short-term joint staff
training events
LTTA will be held in Italy within the scope of catapult competition and retirement home visit.
Other Project Events
Project activity
The activities of the students during the project will be introduced to the other students, teachers and parents. The “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire was repeated to the participants to determine the amount of LTT activity, and measures will be taken to prevent the problems from recurring in the other LTT activities.
Other Project Events
Project activity
All partner countries will investigate the infant and crib motifs and anonymous lullabies used in their own countries in the past and prepare presentations and examples for their LTTA in Romania. Prior to LTT activities, the participants will be provided with detailed information about the country's culture, lifestyle, climate, transportation times, and will be prepared in advance for the conditions.
Short-term exchanges
of groups of pupils
In Romania, LTTA will be held as part of the interaction between participants' own dolls and lullabies.
Other Project Events
Project management activity
The activities of the students during the project will be introduced to the other students, teachers and parents. The “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire was repeated to the participants to determine the amount of LTT activity, and measures will be taken to prevent the problems from recurring in the other LTT activities.
Other Project Events
Project management activity
It will be prepared by reorganizing traditional toys to be taken to the activity in Portugal. The activities of the students during the project will be introduced to the other students, teachers and parents. The “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire was repeated to the participants to determine the amount of LTT activity, and measures will be taken to prevent the problems from recurring in the other LTT activities.
Short-term exchanges
of groups of pupils
LTTA will be held in Portugal to promote the toys made in design workshops through intercultural communication.
Other Project Events
Project dissemination activity
The “Expectation and Attitude” questionnaire will be repeated to the participants on the return of LTT activity and it will be determined how much has been realized. In each partner country, students and teachers participating in LTT will introduce the activities carried out during the project to students and teachers not participating in the mobility. The last survey on technology addiction will be applied, the results will be compared with the first questionnaire and teacher and student development reports will be prepared according to the results. All partners will share the results on the Web Portal. Within the scope of the latest LTT activities in Portugal, the traditional games and toys brochure will be prepared together with all partner countries and will be distributed to the surrounding schools and the public.
Other Project Events
Project management activity
An online project meeting with the partners will provide an overall assessment of the project and inform the school principals and prepare a final report and submit it to the national agency. After this date, with the continuation of dissemination activities, the project will be delivered to large masses.

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